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We Reach the Causes of Diseases with Genetic Science

DNA Laboratuvarları
Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center

DNA Laboratuvarları As the Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center, we have been providing service by making the best use of the opportunities offered by genetic science since 2015. We produce innovative solutions in the sector with our expert staff and our device park equipped with the most up-to-date technologies.

About Us

DNA Laboratuvarları services in the fields of cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics, molecular genetics, clinical genetics, bioinformatics and scientific projects. It is a center that has been carrying out joint work in the fields of public hospitals, universities, private hospitals, and private practices since the day it was founded in the Turkish market. It leads the sector with its applicable, practical and research-oriented studies and research.

Why DNA Laboratuvarları?

  • Comprehensive clinic-specific testing portfolio
  • Laboratory analysis from material to raw data
  • Validation of results
  • Clinical report in accordance with quality standards

Our services

DNA Laboratuvarları as, we offer genetic counseling and clinical genetics solutions. We evaluate your health risks by analyzing your genetic information. We provide services in the fields of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and bioinformatics with our expert staff.

Clinical Genetics


Molecular Cytogenetics

Molecular Genetics


Scientific Project Services

Our Tests

Our genetic tests include Primis NIPT, etc. used during pregnancy. There are tests. We also evaluate individuals' cancer risks with cancer genetic tests. Whole exome sequencing testing and our other advanced genetic tests help identify the genetic origins of difficult-to-diagnose diseases.

ONCOSEQ DNALAB (Cancer Genetics)

PRIMIS Non-Invasive Prenatal Test

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Whole Exome Sequencing

Clinical Exome Sequencing

Rare Diseases

Carrier Panels - SMARİS

Clinical Genetics


Molecular Cytogenetics

Molecular Genetics


Scientific Project Services

We provide comprehensive and applicable genetic diagnosis in all areas of medicine.

The most important step in elucidating the genetic origin of diseases is the selection of appropriate tests. At this stage, the most appropriate test selection is determined with easily understandable panels and algorithms.




Primis NIPT Test


Experienced Staff

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